Can you help us or do you know someone that can help us?

My PhD research has moved to the point of data collection. A questionnaire was developed and is available online as well as in hard copy. Now all that is left is finding participants…

In this study participants can help us gain a picture of the people that support them in their care, for example doctors, nurses, home carers, family and friends. We like to hear who supports them to live life as well as they can.

What is this study about?

The purpose of the study is to help us gain an understanding of the support people with multiple long-term health conditions receive regarding their care; and how they managed these different types of support. Based on this understanding we would like them to help us find ways in which we can improve care support for them. The project has four main phases:

– Phase 1: Reviewing the literature
– Phase 2: Questionnaire
– Phase 3: In-depth Interviews
– Phase 4: Developing a tool to improve

Who can take part?

The questionnaire can be filled out by anyone who:

– Currently lives in England,
– is 55 years old or more and
– has at least two long-term health problems

For the interviews, after the questionnaire, we are particularly looking for people living in Lincolnshire.

Why take part in the study?

The questionnaire gives us an initial picture of those people that support these participants in receiving their care (care network). An interview allows them to give us more detail on their experience of ‘what goes well’ or ‘what might be improved’. This increases our understanding and helps us in the process of developing a ‘tool’ that support older people to access the right health and social care at the right time.

What are the consequences?

It is likely no direct benefit derives from taking part, but the views and participation provides us details and information that is helpful for developing the health and social care system. There are no known risks in taking part, but we do emphasize that the study team is available to participants to explore any concerns they might have related and following to participation in this study (details are provided below).

What happens to the information I give?

All the information participants provide will be confidential. Only the main researcher (Jolien Vos) will have full access to the data. The data are stored securely and password protected. All identifiable information, if there is any, is removed from the dataset. The information will be processed in accordance to the University of Lincoln’s Research Ethics Policy (2011) and Research Data Management policy.

How do I participate?

Questionnaire: Participation in the study is voluntary and this decision will not affect people’s care in any way. Completing the questionnaire is expected to not take longer than 20 minutes. The questionnaire can be accessed on: or you can request a hard copy.
If you know anyone who meets the criteria stated above, feel free to send them the link or request a hard copy.

Interview: Participants who completed the questionnaire can further participate in an interview. This interview is likely to last for 30 minutes. An interest to take part in an interview can be expressed whilst completing the questionnaire.

Participants are free to withdraw at any time and without giving a reason. Withdrawal can be obtained by contacting the main researcher (Jolien Vos) by email ( or telephone (01522 886934). Dr Karen Windle ( is the supervisor of this project.

If you like any more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch!

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